Wednesday, October 21, 2009

101 Ways You Know You're Obsessed With Twilight

1. When meeting new people, you try to figure out fi they are a vampire, werewolf or human.
2. You do the same with random people in shops, on the street or just anyone you see.
3. You've already decided on what to call your son, but there's still a three-way tie between Edward, Emmett and Jasper.
4. You gasp every time you see a silver Volvo.
5. You invent a new car game called "counting black Mercedes".
6. You try to convince your parents to go to Forks on a holiday.
7. You consider moving there when you are older.
8. You burn CDs of all of Stephenie Meyer's playlists and design covers for them.
9. Stephenie Meyer's homepage is your start page on Firefox/IE/etc.
10. You are surprised to learn that YouTube wasn't originally made for twilighters.
11. You own Twilight dolls (and have been caught playing with them several times).
12. You freaked out when your teacher talked about cell parting in biology class.
13. You own a bunch of Twilight fan-shirts, and you consider buying more.
14. You designed at least one of them on your own.
15. You try to convince everyone you know to read Twilight... and at least half of them have give it a serious and reasonable consideration.
16. You call your dog a werewolf and try to teach them to howl at the moon.
17. You suddenly adore baseball, even if you detested it before.
18. You tell your boyfriend he could take a leaf out of Edward's book.
19. When you're sick, you always ask for Carlisle to treat you.
20. Your room's decoration tells the story of  Twilight.
21. You host Twilight parties and organize whole Twilight weekends.
22. After reading Breaking Dawn, you wonder if you could handle raising a half-vampire child.
23. You dream about Edward or the other Cullens a lot.
24. You counted down the days until Breaking Dawn... for one year.
25. You own the whole series in at least two languages.
26. You refer to the books as "the bible".
27. If someone says, "Let's play rock, paper, scissors" you answer automatically, "Why don't you just tell me who wins?"
28. You have book and movie countdowns on your MySpace.
29. If you Google "Twilight", it tells you that there are 3,826,590 results saved on your computer.
30. You think of Edward with every love song you listen to.
31. Other songs make you think of Rosalie, Jake or Bella.
32. You finally understand who the EC-card was named after.
33. You hate the fact that blood tastes so rusty.
34. If you are hungry you suggest a hunt, or use the phrase, "I need to feed".
35. You complain at people wearing Puma shirts... because they make you hungry.
36. You own two copies of Beckett Twilight collector's guide #1, read them from cover-to-cover, and hung both sides of the poster on your wall.
37. There are six cars in the world you can recognize.
38. You calculated Edward's and your name in the love barometer.
39. You're disappointed your geography teacher isn't handsome, though his name is Edward.
40. Your dad, brother and boyfriend loathe Edward Cullen.
41. You recommended reading Twilight in every class - even math.
42. You once baked a Twilight cake.
43. In an Italian restaurant you order mushroom ravioli.
44. You once held a geopraphy presentation about Isle Emse... and a history presentation about the Volturi.
45. You learn Portuguese, only because Edward speaks it, too.
46. You only date boys who are Leos.
47. You have a sneaking suspicion that all Indians are actually werewolves.
48. Your dog's name is Jake, Jacob or Taylor.
49. You looked up every Twilight actor and actress at imdb to see every movie they've stared in.
50. You went dressed up as a vampire to see the movie.
51. You've watched the movie so many times you can mimic the lines with your lips every time you see it.
52. You learn how to play chess, because Alice and Edward do so too.
53. You saw every Twilight trailer on the day it came out.
54. You've seen each trailer at least 10 times.
55. You recommend making a class trip to Volterra.
56. You were a MySpace friend of Stephenie Meyer, and had her on your top 8.
57. Your messenger names always hint of Twilight.
58. NoMoreMarbles is your heroine.
59. You once took a picture of your hands holding an apple.
60. You wonder why Cedric Diggory died from the avada kedavra curse and not the Spanish Influenza.
61. If someone tries to take Twilight away from you, you say "Over my pile of ashes."
62. The "Twilight" folder on your computer contains more than 18GB worth of files.
63. You dye your hair brown, just because Edward prefers brunettes.
64. You wish for an Isle in the Atlantic that had your name for your birthday.
65. If you're nervous, you start talking about Twilight.
66. You think you can't live without Twilight, so you suppose you have to be bitten to be immortal with it.
67. You've memorized every line in the book series.
68. You refer to yourself as a "Twilight scholar".
69. You spend all day blogging about the movie. And you obviously own a Twilight website.
70. You are set to receive Twitter updates about New Moon, Eclipse and everything related to Twilight.
71. ...and you also receive mobile updates.
72. You actually think you have a chance with either Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner.
73. You just know in your heart that vampires are real and you're sure Twilight is non-fiction.
74. You have your Google Alerts set to notify you anytime anyone in the world mentions Twilight even once.
75. You look at your boyfriend and think to yourself "Damn! Why don't you sparkle?"
76. You have named each of your friends after a Twilight character.
77. You have been called Bella more than once.
78. You make your boyfriend quote Edward a few times a day.
79. You read Romeo and Juliet after you read Twilight, and read Wutherine Heights after you read Eclipse.
80. All of the bookmarks in your computer are Twilight-related websites.
81. Your desktop wallpaper is most likely to be Edward Cullen, or another Twilight character.
82. You have waited at least 12 hours in a line just to meet someone fromt eh cast, or watch the movie the day it came out.
83. After you read the whole series, you decided to write a fanfic continuation of Breaking Dawn... and you hope Stephenie Meyer writes one herself.
84. On the first day of school, you sat next to the lonely boy in the back of the class in the hopes he was a vampire.
85. You have googled "Quileute legends" at least once.
86. You use the acronym "ome" instead of "omg".
87. You asked your parents for a 1953 Chevrolet truck last Christmas.
88. You buy Twilight merchandise every time you go to Hot Topic.
89. When the cutest boy in school doesn't like you, you assume it's because he's a vampire.
90. You also gasp when you see a yellow Porsche.
91. You cry every time you read New Moon.
92. You have a YouTube account where you post Twilight videos that you make for songs that Bella and Edward.
93. Your mom is into Twilight.
94. You stayed up watching the MTV's Movie Awards just because Twilight was nominated. You also spammed their inbox with "Best Movie" votes.
95. You recorded your reaction of New Moon's trailer and got at least 1,000 views on YouTube.
96. You have several Twilight books with different autographs.
97. You have Premium Customer memberships at Borders and Hot Topic.
98. You spend most of the day on your computer looking for new Twilight related updates.
99. You have at least five passwords that include the names "Cullen" or "Edward" in them.
100. Every time you hear a song that reminds you of Twilight, you put it on your Myspace.
AND 101. After reading the series, all you want in life is to go to Volterra, Alaska, Forks or South America and find a vampire that can fall in love with you, leave you, get back with you, marry you, have a baby with you and turn you into a vampire.

Magazine article courtesy of Teen Sensations Presents Twilight Unofficial Collectors Guide.

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